
Van Isle Haida Gwaii

A photo came across on Facebook and I immediately fell in love. Contacted the breeder in Canada but he had already been forgiven.

Unfortunately! However, after a few weeks Claire asked if I was still interested. Contact back and forth, slept on it for a few nights and I went for it.
One of my questions was: what makes you want to give this to me out of all the breeders here in the Netherlands? Here her answers: a. Beautiful dogs.... b. Beautiful bloodlines... c. Nice work in Nepal. Proud is all I can say and grateful for a very beautiful friendship. 

Gwaii is a black phantom mini male with a wonderfully happy, cheerful, sweet, social character, but also with spirit when necessary. He adapts easily and is everyone's friend. Can play well together but also has a great time alone. 
Everyone loves him and with a lot of pain we placed him with his lovely host parents where he is doing great and having a great time and also has a bigger doodle friend.

Thanks to Claire who entrusted me with her beautiful boy! 


geboortedatum: 6 april 2022

Maat: mini

Kleur: tricolor

Kleurcode: BbEe, S/Sp

Vacht: fleece

Oogtest: clear

Pennhip: 0.56

OFA elbow: negative

Patella: normal

PRA PRCD: normal

DM: normal

EIC: normal

IC: normal

Van Willebrand I: normal